Hewlett Packard - Mt. Laurel, NJ

January 2001 - June 2001

Chief Architect - Performance & Metrics group

·         Responsible for the architecture of the software and hardware for a lab environment.  

·         Provide architectural assistance during all phases including the design phase.

·         Developed and evangelize the JUnit/PUnit model.

·         Coordinate deployment of Java based benchmarks (ECperf, SpecJBB2000).

·         Use of third party tools (WebLoad, JProbe, HP-jMeter, Hprof).

·         Developed in-house load test tools utilizing Java Native Interface, Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface.

·         Added instrumentation to a custom built JVM (1.3).

·         Designed/coded proof-of-concept prototypes demonstrating: asynchronous socket I/O, on-the-fly compression, and SMP friendly memory management under Java.